Written by the Apostle Paul and paraphrased here in my thoughts, Romans 12, 1-2 goes something like this; 'go out in your everyday life, in everything that you do, eating, working, exercising, playing and all, and do it knowing that you are a child of God. That everything you do should honor that relationship, giving the best that you have, mistakes and all, to Him as a gift of yourself, without holding back. Don't get used to being like everyone else, but keep reminding yourself of that task, to give God your best effort, your most honest behavior, and your unbridled thoughts, even when you fail. If you continue to do that, you will find purpose and peace on the inside. And unlike many of the people that you might know, who when tough times come to them they fall apart, you will have strength and wisdom, that few will understand. You will be at the top of your game because your game will be God's plan for your life.'
Over and over again, Paul spoke about grace. It's important for us to remember that, like human anatomy, we each get our meaning from being part of the whole body, not the other way around. If you separate an arm or a foot from its owner, they don't amount to much more than just incomplete pieces of something greater. So we too are important to each other. In all of our planning to "do better" or "live more healthily" we sometimes forget the value of being genuine with each other and the importance of who we are and whose we are. I know for myself, it is hard to accept the fact that I may have gained more weight than I want to, or cannot see as accurately as I once did. As life moves along, we can become overly aware that we aren't as young as we once were. That we can't run or heal as fast as we used to. And certainly, responsibilities and life circumstances change how we look at ourselves, both positively and negatively. I write to you about this way of thinking because more often than not, we make these deals with ourselves, these resolutions, not based on positive and uplifting goals, but because we feel less than perfect, substandard, or inadequate. But go back to what Paul wrote, do everything that you do in life as if it were a gift to honor God, even when you cannot possibly see a way for God to use it for something good. Don't second guess Him, just keep going and giving your best.
God's grace does not depend on what we accomplish,in fact, it doesn't need us at all.
But what does matter to God is how we accomplish what we do. Is it our best effort? And realize this, sometimes our best still fails. You've heard it said that 'it isn't whether you win or lose, but how you play the game'. That is a life lesson for us to tuck away, and keep for all future reference. Win or lose, resolution kept or not, did you run the race with conviction and purpose? Did you give your gift of 100% effort to your calling? I believe you know the answer to that. And certainly, God knows as well.
Whether your 'new' year is your first year sober, being a new Christian, or striving to be more healthy, we all need to focus on honoring God and each other, when we eat, work, play, and struggle through our lives. That's never an easy thing. I write this as much to myself as I do to you. The difficulty for all of us is in our disbelief in true grace. We know our past and our weaknesses. I believe it is within our nature to realize that there are consequences to actions, both good and bad ones. But the miracle gift of God's grace is very simple. Just ask Him and accept it.
So back to our 'new year' scenario. Whatever yours is today, the answer to fulfilling that resolution is believing as Paul wrote; that you are a child of God, believing that He loves you, and if you are willing to live obediently, your life will be changed, forever. I suppose our problem is the obedient part. But here is where the gift of grace comes in. In our failures, God's grace fills the gap. This is how we stay obedient to serving and honoring Him. The pattern here emerges for how to have success in many kinds of resolutions; whether they are to stop smoking, lose weight, find true love, or live a more Christlike life. When we fail, God understands that imperfection in us; through His forgiving grace, He grants us a new beginning, and in our life's journey the chance to begin again. So let us endeavor to give God our best and most grace-centered effort in another new year.
Romans 12: 1-2